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Tuesday, January 9, 2018

How to create a flowing & elegant staircase in Revit

In this revit tutorial you will learn the steps for creating the design of a flowing and elegant staircase in Revit.

Given below, some useful revit stair definitions :-
BASE AND TOP LEVELS: Stairs are formed on the basis of selected levels available in the project. If necessary, any offset can be included on these levels.

REQUIRED STAIR HEIGHT: Total distance among the base and the top of the stairs along with the offsets.

REQUIRED NUMBER OF RISERS: It is measured automatically with Revit, by dividing stair height with maximum riser height. This number can be altered to change the slope of the stair.

ACTUAL NUMBER OF RISERS: The number of risers already been modeled.

MAXIMUM RISER HEIGHT: Riser height for your stair will never surpass over this value. This parameter is fixed on the stair type. Normally, equal to code requirements.

ACTUAL RISER HEIGHT: This distance is automatically computed with Revit, by dividing the stair height with the required number of risers.

MINIMUM TREAD DEPTH: On the stair type, indicate the minimum tread depth. While going to start modeling your stair, you should go over this number, but not under.

ACTUAL TREAD DEPTH: By default, this value is identical to minimum tread depth fixed in the stair type. But, if you prefer more depth, a greater value can be set.

MINIMUM RUN WIDTH: Set on the stair type, it is also possible to indicate the minimum run width. It does not contain support (stringers).

ACTUAL RUN WIDTH: By default, it has similarity with the minimum run width. A greater value can be set than the minimum, but a lower value is not recommended.

To learn the entire modeling process, watch the following video.
Video Source: Balkan Architect

Published By
Rajib Dey

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